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Our CCLPRO application is mainly for Architects, Civil Engineers, Civil Contractors, Civil Engineering Consultants, Promoters & Builders.

CCLPRO (Construction Costing Software)

Our CCLPRO application is mainly for Architects, Civil Engineers, Civil Contractors, Civil Engineering Consultants, Promoters & Builders. The basic use of software is to prepare detailed Bill of Quantities and Report of Material, Manpower & duration for Plants/Machineries for the Proposed Project. Once you input the minimum required data, the software will generates various reports viz. material requirement, category wise manpower requirement and duration for plants/machineries to be used in the Project.

The software supports editing of default rates (basic rates) of required materials, category wise manpower and use period of Plants/ Machineries for Project. The software will analyze the input dataand provide total project cost and report for quantity & cost of total required raw materials, quantity & cost category wise manpower to be used and cost for hiring Plants/ Machineries for required duration as well as percentage co-efficient for each. All the reports can be generated as different items of Bill of Quantity.

Software also generates Reconciliation chart with each and every Item Code.

  • We ensure faster and safer calculations and analysis for user. The user will be able to add projects and generate various reports based on the subscription.
  • At present, our software displays 20 categories of construction activities. We are continuously updating our software and are working on including other activities such as electrical, fire suppression, HVAC, etc to get a comprehensive tool for the user. However, the user may also recommend us to add any activity they feel necessary.
  • Our software currently displays 800+ default items of work (construction) are enough together to cover any type of construction activity related to building project.
  • Our software provides easy selection of different activities required specifically for the project.
  • The generated reports display requirement of materials, category wise manpower and hiring duration of Plants/ Machineries based on the data provided by the user.
  • The user can create a BOQ page to add quantities of items of work in the project.
  • The user can view the Project BOQ to get resource (Material, Manpower and Equipment) wise cost as well as total project cost.
  • The user can view report of total Quantity & cost of required raw materials, category wise manpower and hiring duration of Plants/ Machineries for each items of work as well as for total project.
  • The user can use our reconciliation tab to check the commercial status of project.
  • Addition of more items of work as per users requirement in his/her user Id account.
  • User can save ample amount of time for calculations of rates for different activities. The software will also prevent errors that may happen during manual calculation which may lead to cost escalation later in the project.
  • User may eventually reduce the indirect cost required to hire a team of costing engineers.
  • The user will able to project total quantity & cost of materials, manpower and Plants/Machineries for the entire project duration.
  • The user will be able to accurately plan the material, manpower and plants/machineries requirement with all generated reports.
  • The user will also be able to prepare accurate cash flow for the entire duration of the project.
  • This software creates a stir clear water transparency between you & client/customer, hassle free execution of the project resulting in quality construction.
  • With all generated data, it enhances your credit in the lenses of Client/Customer.
  • Help of this software will be beneficial for frequent revision of project cost during negotiations with client/customer.
  • Useful for maintaining privacy of tender cost, prevent from unwanted eyes.
  • Use of Reconciliation section will help in prevention from wastages and unwanted leakages of raw materials/man power/ use period of plants & machineries. It will also provide a good MIS which may be used for upcoming projects to reduce or restrict any extra expenditure.
  • Useful in cost escalation cases, whenever unaffordable hike of rates of any/all raw materials/man power in market occurs due to any disaster/change in govt. policy.  


Most frequent questions and answers

Yes. Whenever you required to change password, go to your profile at top right corner of your page, here you can change password, edit profile picture & edit profile contents.

By clicking on Forget Password, software will send you a new password at your registered Email Id. Next to it by Log in, you may change new password at your convenience.

Of course, in Project BOQ table, there is a view icon which displays rate analysis.

No, all the rate analysis are based on data from Central Public Works Department, Government of India. However you have rights to edit Design Mix Concrete rate analysis as per your laboratory report.

No, never. It’s a highly secured design.

Yes, whenever you go to print option, it directs you to save the same on your PC in PDF format, and then you can print/mail the saved data.

Yes, you may send your own rate analysis in PDF format to from your registered mail id. CCLPRO will add it to your account id at very low charges, will appear & useful to you only.

You need to


Our CCLPRO application is mainly for Architects, Civil Engineers, Civil Contractors, Civil Engineering Consultants, Promoters & Builders. The basic use of software is to prepare detailed Bill of Quantities and Report of Material, Manpower & duration for Plants/Machineries for the Proposed Project. Once you input the minimum required data, the software will generates various reports viz. material requirement, category wise manpower requirement and duration for plants/machineries to be used in the Project.